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Average daily hours of personal care provided through domiciliary care (17825) Metric type

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This is the average number of hours of personal care provided through domiciliary care visits each day. It is calculated by taking the figure reported for the number of hours of personal care provided through domiciliary care visits made in a 28 day period, divided by 28 to provide a daily average. This is based on the snapshot information reported by all domiciliary care providers who responded to the Provider Information Return (PIR) in the last 12 months.

This measure is based on an aggregation of all PIR responses over the last 12 months. All registered managers of adult social care locations are invited to complete the provider information return (PIR) on an annual basis (unless the service has been excluded from the request process). The PIR is a snapshot of services at the time it is completed. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) use this information to monitor the quality of care provided.
20 Jul 2022
Data last updated
11 Mar 2024
Short label
Average daily hours of personal care provided through domiciliary care
Output precision
not applicable
Average hours
Provider information return
Aggregated data from Provider Information Returns (PIR) (12 month rolling)
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
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