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Proportion of life spent in good health at age 65 - female (15241) Metric type

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This is the expected remaining proportion of life spent in good health for females aged 65-69. Figures are based on the number of deaths registered and mid-year population estimates, aggregated over three consecutive years. It is used as a high level outcome to contrast and monitor the health status of different populations at specific points in time, giving context to the impacts of policy changes and interventions at both national and local levels.

Healthy life expectancy has value across state, private and voluntary sectors, in the assessment of healthy ageing, fitness for work, health improvement monitoring, extensions to the state pension age, pension provision and health and social care need.

This indicator is an extremely important summary measure of mortality and morbidity. It complements the supporting indicators such as mortality by cause by showing the overall trends and setting the context in which local authorities can assess the other indicators and identify the drivers of healthy life expectancy.

The health prevalence data used in calculating HLE estimates for the various geographies in England were derived from the Annual Population Survey (APS).
30 Jan 2024
Data last updated
04 Mar 2022
Short label
% of life spent in good health at 65 - female
Output precision
a high value is good
Proportion of life at 65
Healthy life expectancy
Health and life expectancies
Office for National Statistics
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