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Daily lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 (13014) Metric type Discontinued

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This is the daily number of new cases of COVID-19 reported by Public Health England (PHE). COVID-19 cases are identified by taking specimens from people and sending these specimens to laboratories around the UK to be tested. If the test is positive, this is a referred to as a lab-confirmed case.

Confirmed positive cases are matched to ONS geographical area codes using the home postcode of the person tested. Postcodes are supplied by the laboratory information systems. Some cases cannot be matched to a geographical area because postcode information is missing or received late. This is why the Local authority and Region counts do not add up to the England total.

Lab-confirmed positive cases are attributed to the day the first specimen was taken from the person being tested (the specimen date). Each day new cases are reported, but the dates they originate from cover the previous few days. Because of this, there are few cases reported for the most recent date, but this does not mean the epidemic is tailing off. Data from around five days ago can be considered complete. Data for recent days are constantly being revised as more information becomes available.

For further information about the data please refer to https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/about
27 Mar 2023
Data last updated
27 Mar 2023
Short label
Daily lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19
Output precision
a low value is good
Daily lab-confirmed cases
Lab-confirmed cases
Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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