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Hospital admissions for violence (including sexual violence) per 100,000 population (12022) Metric type

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The number of emergency hospital admissions for violence directly age standardised rate per 100,000 population. This is based on Hospital Episode Statistics published by NHS Digital and is the 3 year sum of the number of first finished emergency admission episodes in patients (episode number = 1, admission method starts with 2), with a recording of violent crime classified by diagnosis code (X85 to Y09 occurring in any diagnosis position, primary or secondary) in financial year in which episode ended. Regular and day attenders have been excluded. Admissions are only included if they have a valid Local Authority code. and Office for National Statistics (ONS) 3 year pooled Mid-year population estimates

Values relating to City of London and Isles of Scilly have been combined with Hackney and Cornwall due to the requirement to suppress HES counts between 1 and 5. All values between 1 and 5 have been suppressed and, where necessary, other LAs and comparators have also been suppressed in order to prevent possible disclosure and disclosure by differencing.

HES inpatient data are generally considered to be complete and robust. However, there may be a question regarding the quality of external cause coding and differences in admission thresholds. There may be variation between Trusts in the way hospital admissions are coded. There may be variation in data recording completeness. Information could potentially be missing in the admission episode record but added instead to a subsequent episode record. In addition, some transfers which are also coded as episode order 1 (episode 1) and emergency could lead to double counting. Where the observed total number of admissions is less than 10, the rates have been suppressed as there are too few admissions to calculate directly standardised rates reliably. The cut-off has been reduced from 25, following research commissioned by PHE and in preparation for publication which shows DSRs and their confidence intervals are robust whenever the count is at least 10.

This indicator was updated in May 2017 back dated to 2010/11 replacing all previous data after an exercise to make the production of HES indicators more consistent. Regions are the sum of the Local Authorities. England is the sum of all Local Authorities and admissions coded as U (England NOS).
04 Aug 2021
Data last updated
22 Feb 2024
Also known as
  • PHOF 1.12i
  • 1.12i
  • 1.12i - Violent crime (including sexual violence) - hospital admissions for violence
  • B12a - Violent crime - hospital admissions for violence (including sexual violence)_Persons_All ages
  • B12a
Short label
Hospital admissions for violence (including sexual violence) per 100,000 population
Output precision
a low value is good
admissions per 100,000 people
PHE using NHS Digital Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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