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Gross current expenditure on long and short term care for adults aged 18 to 64, per long term care client aged 18 to 64 (11534) Metric type

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This is the gross current expenditure on long and short term care for adults aged 18 to 64 year olds, per long term care client aged 18 to 64. It does not include spending funded by the NHS so understates the total spending on adult social care in the local authority. The number of long term care clients is the total number of clients receiving long term support during the year, aged 18 to 64. Spending per client can vary for a wide range of reasons across authorities, and these reasons cannot be understood without detailed knowledge of the context in which these authorities operate. Higher or lower than average spend per person in an authority may be necessary, appropriate or desirable in light of these local conditions. High spending per clients is not negative if support is focused on those with the greatest care needs and those with lower level needs are supported in other ways.

It is important to note that the polarity of this metric is neutral - polarity tells you if a low value is good or a high value is good. This cannot be applied when looking at spending on adult social care as this can vary for a wide range of reasons.

Any comparison using this data from 2020/21 and 2021/22 must take into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on both activity numbers and spending. The differing scale of cases around the country, when the impacts occurred, and financial support provided will also affect any comparison between authorities. This makes any form of comparative analysis much more complicated and potentially misleading.
30 Nov 2023
Data last updated
19 Oct 2023
Short label
Spend on long and short term care per long-term client, aged 18-64
Output precision
not applicable
£ per person aged 18-64
Reference tables: Gross Current Expenditure on long and short term care, by care type and age band
Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report
NHS Digital
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