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Adult social care income from joint arrangements (11360) Metric type

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Adult social care income from joint arrangements. In order t produce meaningful average and unit costs on the CASSR's share of activity is recorded in this metric. Often this will be clearly known but, if not, it will often be possible to estimate this based on the other ZBR activity-based returns, such as the SALT collection and split pro-rata to expenditure. If, in rare exceptions, joint activity cannot be split, the total joint expenditure is included . Similarly, if a client is planned to receive services delivered (i.e. provided or commissioned) through Adult Social Care and paid for from this expenditure but also receives funding from other sources (e.g. Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), Independent Living Fund (ILF) then only funding associated with Adult Social Care is included. If the individual has no adult social care funding at all, then exclude them

Income received as a result of Deferred Payment Agreements should be captured in this section as with any income from Client Contributions.

As a result of the Zero Based Review (ZBR), there have been a number of changes to the national data collections for adult social care since the 2013-14 reporting year. The changes that have an impact on the Personal Social Services: Expenditure and Unit Costs publication are the replacement of the old return (PSS-EX1) with the Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR) collection in 2014-15 and the introduction of the Equalities and Classifications Framework (EQ-CL), which has resulted in changes to some of the data collected as part of this process. Due to changes in the composition of social care funding and expenditure over time, caution should be exercised when considering long-term trends.

Any comparison using this data from 2020/21 and 2021/22 must take into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on both activity numbers and spending. The differing scale of cases around the country, when the impacts occurred, and financial support provided will also affect any comparison between authorities. This makes any form of comparative analysis much more complicated and potentially misleading.
19 Oct 2023
Data last updated
27 Oct 2023
Short label
Adult social care income from joint arrangements
Output precision
not applicable
Reference tables: Expenditure and income, by finance type and finance description
Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report
NHS Digital
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