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Number of requests for LA social care support received from new clients aged 65+ (11309) Metric type

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This captures the number of requests received by the local authority from those clients aged 65 or over not currently in receipt of long term support. The numbers of requests captured will be shaped by the local authority's arrangements for handling client contacts such as centralised call centres, outsourced arrangements etc. The method of recording client contacts will also influence results, for example whether contact centre calls are recorded directly into the social care database or a different system. Tracked over time the data will reflect changes in levels of demand, contact handling and decisions made in response to requests. This might help local authorities plan staffing and commissioning arrangements.

Clients previously in receipt of short term services intended to maximise their independence (which locally may be termed 'reablement') who return with further requests for service are also captured within a period of 6 months (even if this occurred in the previous year).

Any comparison using this data from 2020/21 and 2021/22 must take into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on both activity numbers and spending. The differing scale of cases around the country, when the impacts occurred, and financial support provided will also affect any comparison between authorities. This makes any form of comparative analysis much more complicated and potentially misleading.
19 Oct 2023
Data last updated
27 Oct 2023
Short label
Requests for social care support from new clients aged 65+
Output precision
not applicable
Reference tables: Number of requests for support received from new clients aged 65 and over, by what happened next
Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report
NHS Digital
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