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Proportion of adults with learning disabilities who live in their own home or with their family (Pre 2014-15) (1097) Metric type Discontinued

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The measure shows the proportion of all adults (aged 18-64) with a learning disability who are known to the council, who are recorded as living in their own home or with their family. The information would have to be captured or confirmed within the reporting period in the year to 31 March.

The definition of individuals ?known to the council? is currently restricted to those adults with a learning disability (with a primary client group of LD) who have been assessed or reviewed by the council during the year (irrespective of whether or not they receive a service) or who should have been reviewed but were not.

?Living on their own or with their family? is intended to describe arrangements where the individual has security of tenure in their usual accommodation, for instance because they own the residence or are part of a household whose head holds such security.

Data source: Adult Social Care Combined Activity Return (ASC-CAR)
03 Apr 2020
Data last updated
13 Aug 2018
Also known as
  • ASCOF 1G
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% of adults with learning disabilities who live in their own home or with their family (Pre 2014-15)
Output precision
a high value is good
Per cent
Adults with learning disabilities who live in their own home or with their family
Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England
NHS Digital
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