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Social care-related quality of life (score out of 24) (Pre 2014-15) (1091) Metric type

This indicator gives an overarching view of the quality of life of users based on outcome domains of social care related quality of life identified in the adult social care outcomes toolkit (ASCOT) developed by the Personal Social Services Research Unit (www.pssru.ac.uk/ascot).
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This measure is an average quality of life score based on responses to the Adult Social Care Survey. It is a composite measure using responses to survey questions covering the eight domains identified in the ASCOT; control, dignity, personal care, food and nutrition, safety, occupation, social participation and accommodation.

It is calculated as the number of respondents who answered all eight questions of the Adult Social Care Survey divided by the sum of their scores. and is presented as a score out of 24. Where scores are assigned as follows:
  • No needs met (the last answer option for each question) = 0
  • Some needs met (3rd answer option) = 1
  • Needs adequately met (2nd answer option) = 2
  • No unmet needs (1st answer option) = 3

    Data source: Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS).
  • Modified
    15 May 2023
    Data last updated
    13 Nov 2023
    Also known as
    • ASCOF 1A
    • NHSOCF 2
    Short label
    Social care-related quality of life (Pre 2014-15)
    Output precision
    a high value is good
    Social care-related quality of life
    Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England
    NHS Digital
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