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Proportion of adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live independently, with or without support (Pre 2017-18) (10675) Metric type Discontinued

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The measure shows the percentage of adults receiving secondary mental health services living independently at the time of their most recent assessment, formal review or other multidisciplinary care planning meeting.

Adults ?in contact with secondary mental health services? is defined as those aged 18 to 69 who are receiving secondary mental health services and who are on the Care Programme Approach (CPA).

?Living independently, with or without support? refers to accommodation arrangements where the occupier has security of tenure or appropriate stability of residence in their usual accommodation in the medium-to-long-term, or is part of a household whose head holds such security of tenure/residence. These accommodation arrangements are recorded as settled accommodation in the Mental Health Minimum Data Set.

The calculation of the measure was changed in 2013-14. Previously, outcome scores were calculated from annual totals from the MHMDS, whereas now the outcome is calculated each month and the ASCOF measure for the year is derived as an average of these monthly scores.
03 Apr 2020
Data last updated
13 Aug 2018
Also known as
  • ASCOF 1H
Short label
% of adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live independently, with or without support (Pre 2017-18)
Output precision
a high value is good
Per cent
Adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live independently, with or without support
Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England
NHS Digital
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