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Number of hyperbaric chamber services in an area per 1,000 population (10313) Metric type

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This metric is derived by the LGA (Local Government Association) from the CQC (Care Quality Commission's) Care Directory file, the file contains a complete list of the places in England where care is regulated by CQC. Using the National Statistics Postcode Lookup, we have counted the number of hyperbaric chamber services located in an area and then created a crude rate per 1,000 resident population. These services involve the administration of oxygen (whether or not combined with one or more other gases) to a person in a sealed chamber that is gradually pressurised with compressed air. The services are carried out by, or under the supervision of, a medical practitioner.
The services help to treat a range of medical conditions including:

  • Air or gas embolism

  • Decompression illness

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning

  • Gas gangrene

  • Necrotising fasciitis

  • Other conditions approved by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.

Examples of services that fit under this category:

  • Type 1 hyperbaric chambers

  • Type 2 hyperbaric chambers.

Data are extracted once a quarter and provide a snapshot in time. It should be noted that due to changes to postcodes a small proportion cannot be matched to the latest National Statistics Postcode Lookup file and are therefore excluded from these figures.
06 Nov 2023
Data last updated
25 Dec 2022
Short label
No. of hyperbaric chamber services per 1,000 population
Output precision
a high value is good
per 1000 people
Amenities for calendar quarter
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