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Community Services list

Accessibility of local facilities (1466) Service

Information on the accessibility of spaces and buildings available to the public such as shops, theatres, leisure centres, parks, transport facilties etc. in the local area In the UK this information is often provided in conjunction with DisabledGo.

Activities for children and young people (642) Service

Information about sporting, cultural and social activities in the local area for children and young people. Activities may be available on a drop-in basis or may require a regular commitment.

Activities for older people (640) Service

Provision of leisure activities for older people within the community. This may include cultural, sporting and other organised social activities.

Adoption (160) Service

The local authority attempts to find adoptive homes for children who are no longer able to live in their own homes. The authority reviews applications from prospective adoptive parents to assess suitability. Ongoing support is provided for adopted children and their new families.

Adult care plan (1757) Service

Following a social care assessment the council will work with any adult who has social care needs to create a care plan which will detail how any eligible needs are to be met. The plan may also suggest ways of meeting needs for which the individual is not eligible to receive help from the council.

Adult carers advice and support (225) Service

Provision of advice and support for adult carers who care for the elderly, children with special needs and adults with physical or learning disabilities. Carers may be entitled to receive additional help and support for their own needs from the local authority.

Adult education and learning (27) Service

Provision of ddult learning opportunities which can increase skills to support learners into work, enable attendees to gain qualifications, help attendees to meet new friends or simply find new hobbies or interests. Courses may be available full time, part time or online.

Adult hospice care (293) Service

Provision of information about hospices in the area for terminally ill people and their carers.

Adult placement (1121) Service

The Adult Placement Scheme helps approved Adult Placement Carers (ordinary people from the local community) to share their home and time with someone in need. It is similar to fostering but for adults.

Adult residential care (292) Service

Residential or nursing home for elderly people and people with disabilities who are unable to manage at home.

Advice for young people (700) Service

Integrated advice, guidance and access to personal development opportunities for young people aged between 13 and 19 to help them make a smooth transition to adulthood and working life

Advice to businesses and voluntary organisations (349) Service

Providing advice to new or existing businesses and voluntary organisations in the area on all aspects of running a business from starting a business to property, tax, employment law, business rates etc.

Advocacy for carers (162) Service

Advocacy on behalf of carers may include raising awareness of carers issues and helping to keep them on the agenda of all relevant agencies, setting out key values and principles for services to carers in the form of a local Carers Charter and improving the quality and increasing the availability of information to carers.

Advocacy for social care clients (728) Service

Providing access to someone who can advocate on behalf of a social services client to ensure that they receive equal rights by writing letters, making phone calls, liaising with relevant agencies etc. on the clients behalf.

Alcohol advice and support (727) Service

This service provides counselling advice and support for people affected by alcohol abuse/dependency.

Allocating council homes (86) Service

The local authority will allocate vacant properties according to priority on the housing register and suitability for the available property. New tenants will be required to sign a tenancy agreement prior to occupation of a property.

Allotments (510) Service

Plots of land for use to grow vegetables, fruit and flowers available for rent by local citizens. Water supplies, sheds/storage and skips are usually provided on allotment sites, car parking may also be available. The authority will determine the regulations concerning the use of allotments and is responsible for ensuring adequate security (fences etc.) is provided.

Alternative care providers (732) Service

Independent agencies who provide care for adults and children within the local area. Care agencies may provide any from the range of care services such as residential care, care at home, sheltered housing and day care. The council may use these agencies to provide care services.

Alternative provision of education (1765) Service

Alternative provision is for pupils who can not attend mainstream school for a variety of reasons, such as school exclusion, behaviour issues, short or long-term illness, school refusal or teenage pregnancy. Alternative provision may be in a special school, a pupil referral unit, alternative learning unit in school or provided by the council or with independent specialist providers.

Alternative therapies and treatments (1803) Service

Therapies and treatments provided by private clinics and therapists outside the NHS

Animal welfare (434) Service

The animal welfare sections responds to both reports from the public, and undertakes proactive patrols. The aims of the service are to protect local wildlife, to prevent nuisance from pet animals or from the keeping or boarding of pet animals and to reduce the risk to animal health arising from commercial keeping of pet or similar non-livestock animals.

Anti-social behaviour - neighbour nuisance (1485) Service

Police and partner agencies deal with incidents of noise and rowdy behaviour in private property which is causing a nuisance to neighbours

Archives (448) Service

Archives are original documents produced by official bodies, societies and individuals that are no longer in current use. The council may provide a way for local residents and business to view their archives, often in a local library.

Armed forces community covenant (1654) Service

The aim of the community covenant is to encourage local communities to support the service community in their area and promote understanding and awareness among the public of issues affecting the armed forces community.

Arts and creative classes (1791) Service

Creative arts classes enabling local residents the opportunity to discover and/or develop their creative potential

Arts development (884) Service

Support and development of arts in the local community. This is typically achieved by by giving residents the opportunity to take part in arts activities and also by providing information and support to local artists, arts groups and members of the public. The local authority may run arts projects in the community and work with local artists and other groups to plan future arts activity.

Arts organisations and events (838) Service

Provision of information and advice on local arts organisations, exhibitions and events.

Assisted garden maintenance (147) Service

Garden maintenance for elderly (aged 60 or over) or disabled tenants who are not capable of doing the work themselves.

Assisted housing maintenance (1054) Service

Assisted housing maintenance schemes are designed to assist elderly or disabled people to maintain and repair their homes to enable them to continue living independently. These services may include minor repairs, adaptations for accessibility, and safety improvements.

Asylum seekers and refugee support (77) Service

Provision of temporary accommodation, meals and other advice and support for asylum seekers waiting for an application for refugee status to be assessed by the government and for refugees.

Autism strategy (1728) Service

Development and publication of a strategy which sets out the vision, aims, objectives and plans of both health and social care for adults aged 18+ years who have or are seeking a diagnosis of autism.

Behaviour development in schools (896) Service

Educational psychologists work closely with teachers and parents to help children who are having difficulties with: Learning and general development, including reading, writing, spelling and numbers; Emotions and behaviour; Making good relationships with other children and with adults.

Benefit fraud (726) Service

The local authority aim to detect and prevent any fraudulent benefit claims, stopping and reducing payment in fraudulent cases and preventing over-payment claims.

Benefits advice and assessment (190) Service

Advisors offering benefit assessment and providing advice about entitlement to welfare benefits to individuals in receipt of benefit or claiming benefit.

Bereavement support (328) Service

Provision of information about how and where to get support and advice after a bereavement

Birth registration (319) Service

Registration of a birth. Every birth in England or Wales must be registered in the district in which it takes place within 42 days of the date of birth. In Scotland, a birth must be registered in any Registration Office in Scotland within 21 days.

Bookstart (1601) Service

Bookstart offers the gift of free books to all children at two key ages before they start school, to inspire a love of reading that will give children a flying start in life.

Bus passes for disabled or older people (280) Service

A bus pass (or other travel concession) is available to local citizens if they are aged 60 and over, they are physically disabled, they have a learning difficulty or they would be refused a driving licence. Eligibility is automatic if the applicant is already in receipt of other services as a result of their age/disability.

Care at home (242) Service

Care in your own home is offered to people who require assistance with personal care such as washing or dressing, or other practical daily tasks such as help with domestic chores like cooking and cleaning, or in some instances, help in managing finances.

Care needs assessment (209) Service

Needs assessment is a programme carried out by the local authority to try to establish the needs of an individual who requires help from social services and to arrange services to meet their needs. Following an assessment the appropriate services will be provided and a client file opened.

Careers advice (887) Service

Help for pupils who are about to leave school to choose a career or a further education/training course.

Carers allowance (1437) Service

Carers allowance is a weekly benefit for carers who regularly spend at least 35 hours a week caring for a disabled person. The allowance is intended to compensate someone who is unable to work because they are a carer. However, some carers may be able to do some paid work whilst caring

Carers assessment (1755) Service

Anyone who is caring for another person for a substantial amount of time has the right to have a carers assessment to identify their needs where either the person they are caring for has refused an assessment or is not receiving help from social care. The assessment is available to both adult carers and young carers.

Carers support groups (298) Service

Groups and organisations that provide advice and support for those who are caring for adults or children with special needs.

Child poverty strategy (1677) Service

Development and implementation of a strategy to reduce child poverty in the local area.

Child protection (266) Service

The child protection scheme takes measures to safeguard vulnerable children and young people at risk or suffering from physical, emotional or sexual abuse. This involves investigating reports of suspected abuse and where appropriate applying for a Child Assessment Order, Care Order, Supervision Order or Emergency Protection Order.

Childcare out of school hours (19) Service

Out of school hours services for children, usually based in or near schools. The service is available to all families in the local area however local priorities for places may apply.

Childcare sufficiency assessment (1680) Service

A council must make sure there is sufficient childcare provision in the local area to enable parents to work, or undertake education and training leading to work. To ensure there is sufficient childcare an assessment of supply and demand for childcare services within a local authority area is carried out at regular intervals, consulting with parents and childcare providers as appropriate.

Childminders (21) Service

Information and support for those interested in becoming a registered childminder and those who are already registered. This may include training, grants and funding, ongoing support and information about setting up childcare.

Childminding and day care (20) Service

Registered childminders and daycare facilities which are available in the local area for parents and carers of pre-school age children.

Children's centres (53) Service

Children's centres are usually open to all parents, carers and children and provide early learning and full day care for pre-school children. They also provide help and advice on child and family health, parenting, money, training and employment to parents and carers.

Children's libraries (449) Service

The children's library service offers books and computer learning facilities for children. The library may also provide CDs and cassettes and there will often be organised activities during school holidays.

Community alarms and Telecare (313) Service

The community alarm service provides peace of mind for people who feel at risk in their own homes. It is a 24 hour 365 day monitoring service which works via a special alarm unit connected to the telephone line. In the UK Telecare provides support to people in their own homes with the help of technology and community response services, allowing them to live more safely and independently. The equipment available is designed to assist a wide range of people, including older people, people with disabilities and carers.

Community and accessible transport (272) Service

Provision of transport for members of the community who do not have full mobility and therefore do not have suitable conventional public transport services available for their travel needs. Includes schemes such as 'dial-a-ride', shopmobility, community bus and car schemes and taxis or mini-cabs which can be privately ordered.

Community assemblies and committees (719) Service

Publication of details of local assemblies and committees and the dates and venues for forthcoming meetings.

Community centres (1149) Service

Community Centres are a physical resource, which acts as a focal point for activities run by communities coming together through geographic proximity or because of a particular interest and/or identity. Centres provide meeting places for local interest based clubs and societies, venues for adult education classes and public meetings, offices for community projects, plus they also have many other uses. Centres would be lifeless buildings, lacking in character, if they were not 'owned' by communities. People provide the warmth, which makes centres welcoming to communities.

Community engagement (366) Service

Community engagement provides a link between local people, local organisations and decision makers. Physical or virtual meetings and dialogues provide an opportunity for local leaders to listen to the views of their communities and for local people to have their say.

Community equipment loans (1402) Service

Public organisations may keep supplies of some materials which they will loan to members of the public or local organisations. Items which may be loaned can be items needed to improve safety at organised events such as fenceposts, crush barriers and safety vests, medical equipment for events or for individuals, technology equipment or anything which can benefit local citizens or voluntary groups.

Community facilities grants (755) Service

Provision of grants for improvements to village halls and other local facilities subject to local terms and conditions.

Community farms (746) Service

Farms and smallholdings managed by the local authority on behalf of the community. Community farms provide an opportunity for children to learn about where food comes from and witness the hustle and bustle and all the elements of a working countryside farm within an urban setting.

Community fire safety (802) Service

The local fire authority will help residents and businesses minimise the risk of fire in their homes or place of work by providing advice on fire prevention and protection.

Community grants (871) Service

Funding made available to community or voluntary groups and organisations which are based in the local area and/or provide services to local people. The local authority may also provide external funding advice and support to commuity groups.

Community safety (870) Service

Crime, fear of crime and anti-social behaviour is an important consideration for local communities. Various agencies, including the local council and police, work with the community to reduce crime and risks to safety and to maintain quality of life for people who live, work and visit the area.

Community strategy (720) Service

Preparation of a community strategy to promote and improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of the local area and to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. In Scotland legislation places duties on local authorities - to initiate, facilitate and maintain Community Planning. Local authorities have a duty to develop a comprehensive Community Plan along with relevant stakeholders to promote or improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of their areas and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in Scotland.

Community support groups and organisations (297) Service

Information about recognised groups and organisations that provide advice and support for those who may be in need of community care such as the elderly, disabled or those with learning difficulties.

Complaints advocacy (645) Service

Provision of an advocate who can act on behalf of a customer who has made a complaint about one or more services provided by the local authority.

Computers and IT skills (442) Service

Details of locations, such as local libraries, where the public can access the internet, make use of equipment and receive instruction to improve their IT skills.

Conference, hall and meeting room hire (373) Service

Details on any local venues available for private/business hire including the location, size, facilities available, cost and how to book.

Contraception (1749) Service

Advice and information about contraception and access to emergency contraception services.

Council tax account enquiries (58) Service

The council tax service provides householders with information relating to their council tax and payments. This may include information on payments, arrears, discount eligibility etc. and copies of bills.

Council tax benefit appeals (65) Service Discontinued

A claimant who may be affected by a relevant decision regarding council tax benefit may request the local authority to revise its decision and also the independent appeals tribunal to consider the revised decision.

Council tax benefit backdated claims (62) Service Discontinued

A claimant may be eligible for their claim to be backdated if there is a valid reason why they were unable to apply for their council tax benefit earlier

Council tax benefit current claim (64) Service Discontinued

A claimant in receipt of council tax benefit is responsible for informing the local authority of any changes in their personal and financial circumstances which may affect their benefit.

Council tax benefit new claim (63) Service Discontinued

A claimant may be eligible to claim council tax benefit if they are on low income or in receipt of income support or job seekers allowance.

Council tax benefit overpayments (66) Service Discontinued

Where a claimant has been provided with a benefit greater than that to which they are entitled the local authority is required to inform the claimant and where necessary seek to recover the overpayment by issuing a revised council tax bill.

Council tax benefit renewal (67) Service Discontinued

Local authorities may review the circumstances of anyone who is currently receiving housing and council tax benefit by issuing a change in circumstances form or by carrying out a visit.

Council tax discount (59) Service

Processing of requests and assessment of eligibility for a single person or other discount on their council tax.

Council tax exemptions (60) Service

The council tax exemption scheme may exempt unoccupied and occupied properties from council tax.

Council tenant advice (109) Service

A local authority will provide existing tenants with advice and assistance on matters such as rents, transfers, mutual exchanges and general matters relating to tenancy. This may also include advocacy where necessary.

Councillors directory (358) Service

The local authority provides general information on local councillors, including details of who they are, which area they represent and what they do within the council.

Counselling (163) Service

Counselling services for individuals who have been identified as having particular needs to help sort through personal difficulties. These services may not be provided by the local authority but the authority may provide information on their availability.

Countryside conservation (745) Service

Advice, education and volunteer opportunities related to the protection and enhancement of the local natural environment and wildlife. Grants may also be provided to develop areas of the countryside for public use and education.

Credit unions (352) Service

A credit union is a profit sharing, democratically run financial co-operative which offers convenient savings and low interest loans to its members. The local authority may offer support to local credit unions by providing advice and information to help them get started and manage their affairs in a legal and efficient way.

Criminal damage - non-specific (1479) Service

Police and partner agencies, including the local council, deal with reported incidents of general criminal damage in the local area.

Current vacancies (337) Service

Publication of current job vacancies within a local authority.

Cycle training (547) Service

Provision of training for those who are new to cycling. Many local authorities run cycle training schemes for children in local schools; some may also provide training for adults, either directly or working with independent instructors. Cycle training is co-ordinated in England by Cycling England, a partnership body set up by several government departments. It administers 'Bikeability', the National Standard for Cycle Training, and provides resources to support training initiatives. In Scotland a similar scheme is operated by Cycling Scotland.

Cycling schemes (1566) Service

Schemes which promote the use of cycling as a method of transport within the local area. Such schemes typically consider reduction in vehicle traffic, cycle routes, cyclist safety, cycle parking facilities. In some cases schemes may also include a discount or tax reduction on the purchase of a bicycle.

Day centres (296) Service

Day centres which provide a range of activities and facilities for groups of people. Places at a day centre are usually allocated following an assessment of needs by a social services officer.

Death registration (321) Service

Registration of a death. In England and Wales a death should be registered in the district in which it takes place within five days of the date of death. Upon receipt of all required information pertaining to the deceased person a death certificate is issued by the registrar. In Scotland any death which occurs must be registered within 8 days by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. A death may be registered in any Registration Office in Scotland provided the death was in Scotland.

Debt counselling (651) Service

Local authorities may publish information about local providers of confidential debt counselling service to citizens. They can advise on different types of debt such as rent and mortgage arrears, credit card debts and bank loans.

Debt enforcement (1520) Service

Where money is owed to a local administration they have the right to pursue repayment of the debt. Such activities are usually carried out under the authority of an enforcement officer who may, if all other options have failed, seize assets of the debtor to cover the debt.

Dental surgeries (1824) Service

Dentists and dental surgeries providing either private treatment or NHS treatment

Disabled facilities grant (137) Service

The disabled facilities grant scheme provides financial assistance towards the cost of essential adaptation work to make a house fit for a disabled person.

Disabled parking permits (279) Service

Blue parking badges allow cars carrying people who are registered blind or people who have severe walking difficulties to be parked near shops, stations and other facilities. Blue Badges can only be issued to people who meet the eligibility criteria, not to relatives or carers. They can be used in any car the badge holder is driving or is a passenger in.

Disabled people - employment and training schemes (239) Service

Advice and support on training and employment available to people with physical, sensory or other disabilities. This includes advice on legal issues surrounding employment. The advice may be provided by the local authority or through third party organisations and includes schemes such as 'Supported Employment Schemes'.

Disabled people employment advice (299) Service

Advice and support for those with special needs who may wish to seek full-time or part time employment. This may include advice to employers on the requirements of relevant legislation.

Discretionary housing payment (1148) Service

The discretionary housing payment (DHP) scheme covers shortfalls between rental liability and payment of housing benefit or Universal Credit including the housing element. Every claimant who is entitled to the minimum amount of housing benefit or housing element within Universal Credit, and who has a shortfall, is entitled to apply for help.

Drugs advice and support (730) Service

This service offers confidential help and support to people affected by abuse of both illegal drugs and prescribed drugs.

Early education for 2 year olds (1741) Service

From the school term after they turn two some children may be eligible for up to 15 hours per week early education or childcare.

Education, health and care (EHC) plan (8) Service

An education, health and care (EHC) plan is for children and young people aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through special educational needs support. EHC plans identify educational, health and social needs and set out the additional support to meet those needs.

Employment and support allowance (1534) Service

The employment and support allowance provides financial help to people who are unable to work because of illness or disability. ESA also provides personalised support to those with illnesses or disabilities who are able to work. The allowance is paid by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Employment and training initiatives (343) Service

Programmes to promote the development of learning and employment to ensure local people have access to lifelong learning and training opportunities. Provide local people with opportunities through tailored programmes to gain the skills demanded by employers in growth industries and ensure resiments benefit from employment opportunities created within the area. In the UK such programmes delivered in line with national, regional and local priorities include New Deal and Training For Work targeting a range of workless groups including those in receipt of Incapacity Benefit, Income Support or JSA.

Energy efficiency (880) Service

The council will provide advice on energy efficiency and carry out an assessment of a property. In the UK the SAP is the Government's recommended system for energy rating of dwellings. The Standard Assessment Procedure is used for calculating the SAP rating, on a scale from 1 to 120, based on the annual energy costs for space and water heating and also for calculating the Carbon Index, on a scale of 0.0 to 10.0, based on the annual CO2 emissions associated with space and water heating. The SAP rating is used to fulfil requirements of the Building Regulations to notify and display an energy rating in new dwellings.

Equality and diversity (861) Service

The LA is responsible for ensuring that equality and diversity is considered at all times both in employment policy and in the provision of services. Every authority should assess, and consult on, the impact of policy in relation to equality and diversity within their community

Exercise and fitness classes (1789) Service

Group classes in a range of activities to help local residents keep fit and active

Facilities - fire safety (1808) Service

Ensuring fire safety measures are implemented and maintained in all council buildngs including routine inspections of fire safety procedures and equipment.

Faith organisations and services (1813) Service

Organisations whose values are based on faith and/or beliefs, which have a mission based on social values of the particular faith, and which most often draws itheir activists (leaders, staff, volunteers) from a particular faith group.

Family information services (1579) Service

The Family Information Service (FIS) provides information and advice to parents and carers on a wide-range of issues affecting every day family life to families with children and young people aged between 0 and 20 years of age.

Family support groups and organisations (831) Service

Organisations and support groups providing information and advice to families. Support can range from parenting groups to individual professional advice.

Financial advice and support (1815) Service

Local and national organisations and businesses which can provide financial advice and support both to those in financial difficulties and those who would like to manage their finances efficiently.

Fire safety education (812) Service

Educating children in schools on fire safety and ensure that schools are trained in evacuation procedures and carry out fire evacuation drills.

Food banks (1818) Service

Emergency food supplies for those who find themselves in poverty for whatever reason. Those in need of help are referred by GPs, Health visitors, CAB, clergy, Community Workers etc�and any professionals who are likely to come into contact with people in real need.

Food waste recycling (1423) Service

Local administrations may run a food waste recycle scheme. This may take the form of collecting of food waste in special containers to be composted in a central facility or providing home food composters for which there may be a charge.

Forest and woodland management (748) Service

Advice and information on trees, woodland and tree-related issues to local organisations and the public. Where woodland/forests are on council owned land the local authority has a responsibility to maintain them in a way which is beneficial to the local environment and ensures public safety.

Fostering (159) Service

Fostering provides homes for children who are temporarily unable to live with their own families but who wish to maintain contact. Fostering may provide respite care or shared care for children with disabilities. Support is provided for the children, the foster carers and the family of the fostered children.

Free school meals (4) Service

Free school meals are provided for children whose families are in receipt of benefits such as income support or income based job seeker's allowance. They are also available to families in receipt of Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit if earned income is below a set threshold. Eligibility criteria may be determined by the local authority or in some cases by individual schools.

Further and higher education (1819) Service

Further education includes any study after secondary education that is not part of higher education. Higher education includes any study taken as part of an undergraduate or graduate degree.

Gambling addiction advice and support (1820) Service

Advice and support for anyone affected by problem gambling. Typically services are available both to individuals who have a problem with gambling and to families and friends of problem gamblers.

Going into hospital (832) Service

Where the local authority is notified that a local resident is going into hospital the council will have to reassess any benefit entitlement.

GPs and surgeries (1805) Service

Information about local NHS surgeries and general practitioners including opening times and services available.

Grants and support for voluntary organisations (615) Service

Provision of grants or other practical or financial assistance to local voluntary organisations. Grants and advice may be made available by the local council or by other organisations. Grants are usually available for projects/organisations that comply with the terms and conditions imposed on the issue of funding.

Gypsy and traveller sites (655) Service

Provision and management of permanent or transit sites for use by travellers within the area. Also dealing with unauthorised use of land by traveller communities.

Hate crime (1133) Service

Local authorities are required to log and monitor instances of serious crime directed at a victim for religious or racial reasons. At present in the UK legislation currently applies to England and Wales only.

Health advice (199) Service

Advice and information on health issues of concern to individuals and the community. Providing advice on how to live active and healthy lives for all members of the community. The local authority may work with other agencies (health services) and organisations to provide this service.

Health and safety regulation (419) Service

A local authority carries out regular checks on local businesses and business premises to ensure that safe and healthy working conditions are provided for all employees and visitors.

Health and safety training (422) Service

The local authority provide food hygiene and occupational health and safety training courses for managers and staff of local businesses. Some of the courses may also be open to members of the public.

Health and wellbeing strategy (1688) Service

Established and hosted by local authorities, health and wellbeing boards bring together the NHS, public health, adult social care and children's services, including elected representatives and Local Healthwatch, to plan and form a strategy of how best to meet the needs of their local population and tackle local inequalities in health.

Health checks (1747) Service

Free health checks are provided to anyone eligible between the ages of 40 and 74 tro enable them to take steps to maintain or improve their health.

Health support groups and organisations (1807) Service

Local groups and organisations which can offer advice and support to those suffering from long term health conditions such as autism, diabetes, osteoporosis and many others. Some groups or organisations may work with specified conditions while others may be more general.

Help leaving prison (1817) Service

Help for prisoners due for release or who have just been release from prison. Help may include assistance with finding accommodation and benefits advice.

HIV / AIDS support for adults (202) Service

This service provides a confidential service, counselling and emotional support, financial advice and practical advice to people diagnosed with HIV.

Hobby and interest classes and groups (1804) Service

Classes or groups which provide instrusction or a means of participating in various hobbies an interests such as bridge, board games,

Home adaptations and aids (178) Service

If a client is visually impaired, hard of hearing or has other disabilities for which he/she may need special equipment or adaptations to his/her home the local authority will provide such equipment which will assist in overcoming difficulties subject to an assessment of personal needs to determine eligibility.

Home and garden care and maintenance (1810) Service

Businesses providing services to maintain your home and garden. This includes cleaning and laundry services, garden maitenance, decorating etc.

Home contents insurance (123) Service

Local authorities are responsible for insurance of residential council properties but do not insure tenants personal belongings, household goods and contents. However, they may offer comprehensive insurance cover for contents which is exclusively available to tenants. Tenants are advised to take out home contents insurance.

Home fire safety check (1119) Service

Inspection of residential property to help the homeowner Identify and be aware of the potential fire risks in the home and what to do to reduce or prevent these risks. Attending officers will als help put together an escape plan which can be used in the event of a fire..

Home fire safety equipment (1602) Service

Advice and information on how to choose, install, and maintain smoke alarms and other types of fire safety equipment residents may want to consider having in their home

Home renovation grants (433) Service

Home renovation grants may be available to carry out repairs and improvements in order to bring empty properties back into use.

Home repair assistance grant (136) Service

The repair assistance grant scheme provides financial assistance towards the cost of materials required to carry out repairs, improvements or adaptations to owner occupied or privately rented property. Grants are usually only available to the most vulnerable people who need helpin order to ensure there home is a safe living environment.

Home safety advice (423) Service

Advice and information about safety in the home including accident prevention, what to do in the event of an accident, risks in the home etc. Some authorities may run safety awareness training sessions for the local community.

Homelessness assessment (1800) Service

Assessment of the circumstances of anyone in the authority area who is homeless or threatened with homelessness and may be eligible for assistance

Homelessness support (112) Service

This service provides information and advice about housing to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. They may be offered temporary accommodation or permanent home.

Hospice care for children and young people (264) Service

Children's hospices provide respite and terminal care for children suffering from life-limiting conditions in a home-from-home environment. Care is provided for the child and their family at no cost to them for as long as is necessary, including post bereavement support.

Hospitals and clinics (1814) Service

NHS hospitals and clinics providing medical services in the local area.

Hostels and emergency accommodation (1714) Service

Provision of hostels or other temporary accommodation for people who would otherwise be homeless.

House clearance and re-housing (912) Service

Where a property is unfit to live in the LA may decide to demolish it and redevelop the site (which may mean the clearance of neighbouring property). The council will usually offer the owners the market value of the property and repay expenses associated with moving plus possible compensation. Where the property is rented tenants will be given priority for re-housing in a council property.

Household garden waste (530) Service

Garden waste may be collected from outside residential properties. There may be a charge for this service. Containers for garden waste may be provided or may need to be purchased from the local authority..

Household waste accumulation (1473) Service

Where accumulations of rubbish are considered a statutory nuisance the council may ask the landowner to remove the rubbish and has the power to prosecute where no action is taken.

Household waste assisted collection (854) Service

An assisted refuse collection service provided to residents who, through illness or infirmity, are unable to put out their refuse and do not have anyone else to assist them.

Household waste collection (524) Service

The local authority provides a regular (usually weekly) collection of household rubbish from all residential premises within the authority boundaries.

Household waste disposal sites (531) Service

Provision of civic amenity sites which may be used by local residents (usually free of charge) and businesses (usually charged). The sites provide facilities for collection of all household and garden waste other than anything which may be considered as hazardous and requiring special treatment.

Housing advice (652) Service

Advice to homeowners, tenants and landlords in the private sector on housing related matters such as tenancies, welfare benefits, rent, alterations and repairs, neighbour disputes etc.

Housing allocation system (89) Service

The local authority or Registered Social Landlord uses a housing point system as a guide to priority when allocating housing. The points system reflects the current situation or condition in which an applicant lives.

Housing and public health (661) Service

Providing advice and information to the public on all aspects of public health relating to housing. Enforcement of public health and housing regulations.

Housing association nomination and registration (87) Service

Housing Associations are 'Registered Social Landlords' not private landlords. They provide housing in a very similar way to the Council and are non-profit making. People on the local authority transfer list or housing register may be offered a Housing Association property instead of a Council home.

Housing benefit appeals (72) Service

Anyone who has claimed housing benefit and disagrees with the decision made in their assessment can challenge the decision by submitting an appeal form within one month of the date of the original decision. The authority is responsible for advising claimants of appeal procedures and investigating each appeal.

Housing benefit backdated claims (68) Service

A claimant may be eligible for their claim for housing benefit to be backdated (by up to 1 month if working age and 3 months if pension age) if there is a good cause why they were unable to apply for their housing benefit earlier. The authority is responsible for advising residents about eligibility for backdating claims and for processing applications.

Housing benefit new claim (69) Service

Processing of a new claim for housing benefit from council, social and private tenants. Claims require evidence of tenancy and income in order to assess eligibility for benefit, where the LA is unable to obtain it elsewhere.

Housing benefit overpayments (71) Service

The local authority has a duty to recover overpayments of benefit for which there was no entitlement from tenants and landlords and where necessary take criminal proceedings in respect of fraudulent overpayments.

Housing crime support (97) Service

The local authority provides support and assistance to residents who are victims of a crime such as homophobic crime, racist crime, or general crime committed in their home or whilst in the vicinity of their home. If the resident is a council tenant and the council are unable to resolve the problem they may offer the tenant the chance of being re-housed in a different area.

Housing enforcement (1821) Service

The local authority is responsible for enforcing legislation which establishes how landlords and letting agents should deal with tenants regarding living accommodation and associated financial matters

Housing evictions (117) Service

If a tenant fails to pay rent or breaches any aspects of their tenancy agreement the local authority has the right to evict the tenant by applying to the court to repossess the property.

Housing legal advice (110) Service

Court housing advice and representation schemes aim to provide free, independent and confidential advice and representation to homeowners and tenants attending hearings in possession proceedings brought on grounds of arrears, who either have not previously obtained advice and/or are without legal representation.

Housing mediation (1124) Service

The council provides a mediation service to help resolve disputes between neighbours or between citizens and the council.

Housing referrals (911) Service

The council may refer tenants to Registered Social Landlords (housing associations) within the council area or to the housing division of another LA where a move to another area is a possibility. RSLs will normally operate a scheme with the council whereby a proportion of their property is set aside for people on the council's housing waiting list.

Housing repairs (141) Service

The council are generally responsible for structural repairs to council property, for repairs to essential supplies (water, gas, electricity etc.) or any repairs where they may be a risk to health or safety. Where the damage has been caused by the resident they may be asked to pay for the repairs.

Housing tenant support (91) Service

As well as officers taking repair reports, collecting rents and other payments, managing rent arrears and dealing with breaches of the tenancy agreement; local estate staff can also help and advise on a number of other issues including moving, adaptations and other tenancy issues

Inclusive leisure and social activities (241) Service

Providing information and advice about local organisations and clubs that provide leisure and social activities in the area, which are targeted at specific groups of people such as people with disabilities, the elderly, ethnic communities etc..

Independence support for disabled people (204) Service

Rehabilitation provides people with physical and sensory disabilities with help to recover and regain their independence often following an illness or injury/stay in hospital. A care worker will provide advice on how to cope with illness or disability, or organise the provision of aids and equipment to help in everyday tasks.

Integrated family support (1772) Service

The integrated family support service aims to make a difference to the lives of the most vulnerable children and families living in the council area. It brings together professionals from various backgrounds to provide intensive support, particularly giving parental support for adults and families. This type of service aims to bring about family lifestyle changes to enhance child welfare and keep families together.

Jobseekers allowance (1545) Service

Local authorities may provide information about Jobseekers Allowance (JSA). JSA is a benefit available for people of working age who are out of work. JSA may be available if a person is out of work or working less than 16 hours a week on average. To be eligible any applicant must be capable of working, available for work, actively seeking work and below state pension age.

Joining a library (438) Service

Processing of requests to join a local library including assessment of eligibility, issuing of library cards etc. Publication of information about joining a library.

Journey planning (902) Service

Providing members of the public with a means to plan a journey to and from any address or station (bus or rail) within the local area. The planner usually includes all forms of public transport ( often including walking) and calculates the journey based on departure and arrival times.

Leaving hospital (833) Service

A range of assistance for someone discharged from hospital who may need help to live at home. Usually a worker will visit the patient in hospital to discuss their needs prior to discharge and will then visit again once the patient is home to see that services arranged are enabling them to live safely at home.

Legal advice (676) Service

Local authorities may provide information about local or national organisations where citizens may obtain legal advice..

Leisure passes (456) Service

Passes which give access to leisure facilities such as swimming pools, gymnasiums, sports halls run by the local authority. The pass entitles the holder to use the facilities, usually at a reduced charge and to book facilities where available. The pass may be issued free of charge or at a concessionary rate to those meeting certain eligibility criteria (disabled, on benefits etc.)

Library facilities (437) Service

Information about libraries and library services which are available in the local area.

Library information services (445) Service

The information service can search a wide range of library materials in response to user enquiries.

Library loans (1141) Service

The council provides libraries which are free to join, where members can borrow items. Books are usually loaned free of charge, typically for three weeks. Other services, such as loans of VHS cassettes, DVDs and CDs, will usually incur a small charge per week.

Local attractions and facilities (733) Service

Advice and information for local residents and for visitors to the area on attractions and facilities available in the local area. This will include descriptions, opening hours, admission prices and how to get there.

Local crisis payment (1795) Service

Payment or provision of household goods to local households who have an urgent need as a consequence of an emergency, disaster or unforeseen circumstance and where a household has insufficient resources to meet an urgent need that poses an immediate and substantial risk to their health and safety

Local Housing Allowance (1147) Service

Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is for people on a low income renting from a private landlord. The LHA is based on the broad rental market area and the number of bedrooms the tenant is allowed (based on who lives with them), not on how much their rent is.

Local schools (17) Service

The local authority is responsible for providing information and school contact details of every school in the area.

Management of personal financial affairs (917) Service

Administering the financial affairs of people who may be living in their own home or a residential home who are having difficulty managing their own affairs. As appointee the council will arrange to receive their income from the Benefits Agency and pay their bills.

Marriage or civil partnership registration (1716) Service

Registration of a marriage or civil partnership. Registration takes place as part of the ceremony with partners signing the marriage register or civil partnership document.

Mental health support (1284) Service

Services and advice for people who have, or who are at risk of, mental health problems, together with their families or carers. The aim is to provide support which can prevent or treat mental illness and enable service users to live independently in the community.

Mentoring schemes (627) Service

Learning mentors provide an additional service to teachers and pastoral staff in schools to help children overcome barriers to learning, both inside and outside the school, and to achieve their full potential. The local authority provides assistance and support to mentors or those who wish to become mentors.

Midwifery and maternity services (927) Service

Midwifery and maternity offer services to families within children's centres and local health centres to provide services to families in locations close to their home. Midwifery and health visiting teams provide essential support throughout every stage of pregnancy and through the early years.

Mobile libraries (444) Service

Mobile libraries serve communities and locations that are some distance from a local library building. The facilities provided are usually similar to those of a local library but the availability of items, unless ordered in advance, may be restricted.

Mobile meals (315) Service

The Mobile Meals service delivers meals to older or vulnerable people in their own homes on a short or long term basis according to need.

Motability scheme (276) Service

The Motability scheme provides disabled people with safe, reliable and affordable personal transport through a contract or hire purchase arrangement. Cars account for 99% of the scheme's activities, with powered wheelchairs and scooters making up the balance.

Municipal golf courses (336) Service

Golf courses which are owned and run by the local authority. Members of the public are usually able to 'pay and play' on these courses or to book tee times in advance. Municipal golf courses may also have their own membership schemes and tee times reserved for members.

Museum and gallery shops (839) Service

Sale of prints, pictures, books etc. in galleries and arts centres run by the local authority.

Museum events and exhibitions (1020) Service

Information about any events or exhibitions organised at museums with the local authority area.

Museums and galleries (620) Service

Information and advice on museums and galleries in the local area. The galleries and museums may be owned and operated by the local authority or by other public bodies. The council may also choose to provide information on privately run museums and galleries in the local area.

Music rooms and recording studios (1517) Service

Provision of facilities such as music rooms and recording studios which can be used by local young people for practice in performing and in creating recorded material.

Nature reserves (1540) Service

Local nature reserves where wildlife is protected. Nature reserves are usually open to the public but may have restrictions at certain times or under other conditions (no bicycles, dogs etc.) to protect the wildlife

Notice of marriage or civil partnership (876) Service

Couples intending to marry or form a civil partnership must both give notice to a registration office in the district where they have lived for seven full days immediately prior to giving notice. Notice must be given not less than 15 days before the ceremony. The registrar will issue an authorisation for the marriage or civil partnership to take place.

Nursery education grant (50) Service

The Nursery Education Grant (NEG) is funding made available to provide three or four year old children with a free, or grant funded, part-time early education place. All 3 to 4-year-olds in England can get 570 free hours per year. ItÕs usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year, but parents can choose to take fewer hours over more weeks, for example. Some 3 to 4-year-olds are eligible for 30 hours free childcare a week.

Nursery school places (12) Service

Nursery education is offered to children aged four in community maintained nursery classes and schools and are for two and a half hour sessions per week in term time.

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