LG Inform Plus
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Complaints and compliments Function

Change of circumstances (370) Service

Providing information and advice on when and how local residents are required to notify the council about a change in circumstances which may effect their entitlement to other council services. Providing residents with a standard means of notifying a change of circumstances.

Complaints advocacy (645) Service

Provision of an advocate who can act on behalf of a customer who has made a complaint about one or more services provided by the local authority.

Complaints procedure (353) Service

Provision of a means for local residents and businesses to comment or complain about any of the services it provides. Complaints may be about the quality of the service, delays in providing the service, discrimination or the behaviour of council staff or council representatives.

Customer feedback and suggestions (1536) Service

Providing local residents and businesses with a means of providing feedback or suggestions about the services they receive or would like to receive.

Customer satisfaction surveys (653) Service

Asking customers for feedback on performance in relation to services or other aspects of business provided by local public sector organisations..

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