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Road signs and markings Function

Cycle lanes and routes (539) Service

Provision for cycle routes on the carriageway, on footways either shared with or segregated from pedestrians, or specially designated cycle paths.

Road signs (540) Service

The local authority has responsibility for installing signs to regulate traffic and to provide warnings to drivers of hazards ahead. The signs that may be used on the public highway are controlled by government regulations, covering the designs of the signs, where they can be used and whether they must be illuminated.

Street name plates (541) Service

The local authority is responsible for the naming of streets within their local area and for ensuring that street name plates are provided and fitted in suitable positions.

Tourist signs (1117) Service

Tourist signs may be placed on the highway to direct visitors to tourist attractions in the local area. The siting of such signs is the responsibility of the local highways authority. Tourist attractions and facilities (e.g. hotels) can apply for direction signs to their location. If they meet the criteria (which may vary by area) then they pay for the costs of erecting the signs.

Traffic lights (567) Service

Placement and maintenance of traffic lights to improve traffic safety and help reduce road accidents and hazards.

Yellow lines (538) Service

The local authority authorise yellow line road marking where there is a need to restrict parking to help increase traffic flow and to prevent obstructions on the highway.

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