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Fire attendance Function

Arson investigation (1603) Service

Investigation of the cause of fires where arson is suspected.

Attending arson incidents (1474) Service

Fire and rescue services will attend and deal with reported incidents of arson or suspected arson.

Attending automatic fire alarms (801) Service

The local fire authority can provide advice to residents and business on the installation of automatic fire alarms and on the testing of such alarm systems following installation or any building/redecoration work undertaken in the alarmed area.

Attending fires (815) Service

The fire services directs emergency calls to the emergency call handling centre which routes all calls for an area to fire control. Control will confirm with the address of the incident and help will be despatched immediately.

Fire and rescue incident investigation (1605) Service

Detailed investigation of the cause of incidents attended by fire and rescue services to help identify dangerous products and practices.

Hazardous chemical (HAZCHEM) incidents (798) Service

Attending incidents involving hazardous chemicals to protect life and mitigate the effects on the environment. Providing advice and information on hazardous chemicals and emergency procedures to deal with them.

Post-incident support (816) Service

Providing advice and support to residents or businesses who have suffered damage to their property following a fire, flood or similar incident. This may include advice on ventilation, drying out, cleaning, insurance matters etc.

Securing premises after fire (819) Service

The local fire authority are responsible for securing premises after they have been damaged by fire to an extent which could either prove a danger to the public or leave the premises and contents accessible (i.e. unlocked).

Specialist rescue services (817) Service

In addition to attending fires the fire service may deal with a range of incidents including; road traffic accidents, trapped people, trapped animals, floods, and chemical spills. The fire authority could charge for calls relating to special services although they may be provided free of charge where there could be a risk to the public or to the environment.

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