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Human resources Function

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Staff - accommodation (1718) Service

Provision of housing for employees

Staff - annual leave (1302) Service

An employee has the right to take annual leave, subject to the right of the supervisor to schedule the time at which annual leave may be taken.

Staff - appraisal (973) Service

formal process of assessing staff performance against targets and for setting future expectations

Staff - apprenticeships (1298) Service

Paid work based training combined with post-secondary education.

Staff - benefits (1661) Service

A range of benefits may be provided to staff working for the council. Benefits may be subject to eligibility criteria such as length of service.

Staff - business travel (1656) Service

Policies and procedures for staff travelling for business purposes. This covers use of public transport, leased vehicles and use of staff members own vehicles.

Staff - continuing professional development (1128) Service

Providing staff in all service areas with information, tools and training to support their ongoing professional development.

Staff - disciplinary procedures (974) Service

Publication and implementation of disciplinary procedures relating to employment matters.

Staff - disclosure of interests (1665) Service

Disclosure of financial and non-financial officer interests that could conflict with the Council's interest

Staff - employment tribunals (1297) Service

Tribunal non-departmental public bodies which have statutory jurisdiction to hear many kinds of disputes between employers and employees.

Staff - equal pay (975) Service

The council has a responsibility to ensure that staff are not discriminated against and that equal pay is awarded to all staff performing the same role. This involves reviewing the councils pay policy for all staff and associated employment terms.

Staff - expenses (1727) Service

Payment of legitimately incurred business expenses to officers and others working for of the organisation.

Staff - grievance (1290) Service

Investigation of any grievances raised by LA staff. This may include a formal hearing with all involved parties to investigate the complaint and decide on any further action.

Staff - job analysis (976) Service

Job Evaluation or analysis requires councils to review their local pay arrangements. It is a method used to establish a fair and equal pay and grading structure, and to ensure that all jobs are evaluated in the same way by looking at factors for jobs rather than at individual members of staff.

Staff - occupational health (977) Service

provision of occupational health services and checks for staff, including periodic medical assessments

Staff - outplacement (978) Service

Placing a staff member either temporarily or permanently with another council or organisation

Staff - payroll (979) Service

Pay policy and payment, including performance related pay

Staff - pension scheme (1770) Service

A local authority or fire and rescue authority operates a public service pension scheme providing pension benefits for local government workers, teachers, health service workers, fire and rescue workers and anyone employed by the authority. Such a scheme must be operated in accordance with any published code of practice.

Staff - procedures (1304) Service

Provision & maintenance of procedures within council offices.

Staff - public holidays (980) Service

Each council should publish a policy on public holidays each year and ensure that the policy covers part-time workers and alternative arrangements for staff who are required to work on public holidays.

Staff - recognition (1666) Service

Recognition of staff achievement and/or recommendation of staff for honours

Staff - redeployment (981) Service

Each council should have a policy on redeployment of staff (including additional training where appropriate) in situations where staff are displaced or faced with significant change to their job as a result of internal restructuring.

Staff - reorganisations (982) Service

Reorganisation of the internal workforce of the council

Staff - sickness management (1143) Service

Procedures and strategies for dealing with staff sickness, to reduce the number of working days lost by work related injury and ill health.

Staff - telephone charges (1303) Service

The charges accrued by staff who make personal calls from work.

Staff - victimisation (983) Service

Preparing a policy, implementing the policy and dealing with reports of victimisation in the workplace for council employees

Staff - workplace bullying (984) Service

Preparing a policy, implementing the policy and dealing with reports of bullying in the workplace for council employees

Vetting of contract and supplier staff (863) Service

Anyone who is considered for employment in a position which involves working with children or other vulnerable people needs to be vetted to ensure their suitability. In England and Wales the CRB has access to personal records held by the Police, the Department of Health, and the Department for Education and Skills ensuring the best possible scrutiny of applicants. In Scotland Disclosure Scotland provides a valuable service protecting the vulnerable people in our society by helping organisations make safer recruitment decisions when duties involve contact with children or adults at risk. Disclosure Scotland in conjunction with the Scottish Criminal Records Office (SCRO) run checks against the Scottish Criminal History System (CHS) and the UK wide Police National Computer system (PNC) in order to ensure the best possible scrutiny of applicants . Disclosure certificates contain details about an applicants' criminal convictions and Enhanced Disclosure Certificates can, in certain circumstances, contain non-conviction information.

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