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Children's homes - contact with other persons Duty

The registered person must ensure that suitable facilities are provided within the children's home for any child accommodated there to meet privately at any reasonable time with the child's parents, friends, relatives or any of the following persons—
(a) a solicitor or other adviser or advocate acting for the child;
(b) an officer of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service appointed for the child;
(c) a social worker assigned to the child;
(d) a person authorised by HMCI;
(e) a person authorised by the local authority in whose area the home is located;
(f) an independent visitor for looked after children
(g) a person authorised by the Secretary of State to conduct an inspection in relation to the home and the children there;
(h) a person appointed under the Children Act 1989 Representations Procedure (England) Regulations 2006;
(i) an independent person visiting the home under regulation 44.

The registered person must keep a record of any meeting carried out.
11 Feb 2022
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