LG Inform Plus
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Children and young people spend Circumstance collection

Schools budget Circumstance

Expenditure on schools budget.

Other Education & Community Circumstance

Expenditure on other education and community issues.

Children & Young People's Services & Youth Justice Circumstance

Expenditure on children and young people's services and youth justice.

Early Years Circumstance

Expenditure on early years services.

Sure Start Children's Centres Circumstance

Expenditure on Sure Start Children's Centre.

Children Looked After Circumstance

Expenditure on looked after children.

Children & Young People's Safety / Children's Social Care Circumstance

Expenditure on children and young people's safety and children's social care.

Family Support Services Circumstance

Expenditure on family support services.

Other Children's & Families Services Circumstance

Expenditure on other children's and families services.

Children's Services Strategy Circumstance

Expenditure on children's services strategy.

Services for Young People Circumstance

Expenditure on services for young people.

Youth Justice Circumstance

Expenditure on youth justice.

Funding for early years providers to deliver free early education places for two year olds Circumstance

Funding for early years providers to deliver free early education places for two year olds

Other early years funding Circumstance

Expenditure on other early years funding.

Foster Circumstance

Children and young people who are fostered

Adoption Circumstance

Children and you people who are adopted

Residential care Circumstance

Residential care in Voluntary Children’s and Registered Children’s Homes as defined in Children Act 1989

Social work and commissioning Circumstance

Social workers directly involved with the care of children and commissioning services for children. Spending on overall commissioning within children’s and young people’s services

Special Educational Needs Circumstance

Provision for pupils with SEN (including assigned resources)

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