LG Inform Plus
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Health and care Benefit Discontinued

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Better Access to Care Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Hospital and GP bookings via Digital TV, Health Kiosks, remote clinics, texting test results

Better Prevention of ill health Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Telecare falls detectors, telehealth equipment to help people manage crhonic conditions at home etc

Enhanced health Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Text based encouragement to quit smoking, improved access to health information, health kiosks (Sunderland)

Enhanced mental health Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Threapy delviered via online chat - eclinic Doncaster PCT, computer based programmes -beating blues, fear fighter

Enhanced support for people with disabilities Benefit Discontinued

e.g. video sign language service to access services for deaf, or text based service for deaf/ hard of hearing, robobraille to trsanslate braille documents to speech

Faster access to Treatment and Drugs Benefit Discontinued

e.g. ePrescriptions, texting test results, single telephone numbers and internet sites e.g. NHS Direct/ Choices

Improved access to Health information Benefit Discontinued

e.g. NHS Choices, Helath Information Kiosks

Improved Effectiveness of Treatment Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Supplementary online therapy has been shown to increase effectriveness of treatment for cases of depression

Improved satisfaction among patients Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Patient Opinion empowers patients allowing them to provide feedback which supports service improvement

Improved Social Care Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Telephone based care monitoring service in Newham, or Nottingham service for instant feedback to control centre after social care visit

Improved Support for Health Workers Benefit Discontinued

e.g. 'Blackberries' for Ambulance workers ..

Improved support for Independent living Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Telecare and telehealth equipment helps people to live independently in their own homes

Improved Support for Social Workers Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Remote case handling - digital pen and paper (Leeds)

Improved Support for those with addictions Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Addictions UK cognitive behaviour therapy support via SMS

Increased Job Satisfaction among health and care workers Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Falls detectors reduce fall call-outs among ambulance workers - so they can focus on value added activities that befit their skills

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