LG Inform Plus
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Education and skills Benefit Discontinued

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Enhanced ICT skills Benefit Discontinued

e.g. British Computer Society Courses like eCitizen, Equalskills, Core aspect of Digital inclusion activity

Enhanced School Results Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Knowsley work with text wake-up calls and online tutors, the ICT Test Bed etc.

Enhanced support for special needs Benefit Discontinued

e.g. ACE centres support children with communications difficulties through technology

Enhanced Support for Teachers Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Learning platforms, interactive whiteboards etc

Enhanced Support for Trainers Benefit Discontinued

e.g. learning Moodles or elearning environments

Improved Basic Skills (numeracy, literacy) Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Games to Grow - Brain Training

Improved English Language Skills Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Online or Mobile phone based English as a Second Language (City of London)

Improved Transferable Skills Benefit Discontinued

e.g. activity getting younger people to interview older people - might improve English, presentational, ICT or other skills

Increased Job Satisfaction among Educators Benefit Discontinued

e.g. ICT supports classroom teaching, freeing up time to focus on pupils in most need, increasing job satisfaction

Participation in Education Activity Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Not school.net supports excluded or other pupils continued participation in education

Progression Benefit Discontinued

e.g. progression from an informal to formal learning lots - there are many digital inclusion examples

Qualification(s) gained Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Adult education qualification, digital or otherwise

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