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Did you know we have a dedicated powers and duties tool?

Available to LG Inform Plus subscribers, it provides information on what current legislation gives English and Welsh councils the power to do and what it requires them to do in law. Advanced searching and filtering options make it easy to find specific powers and duties based on legislation, business function and keyword, and results are easily exported in commonly used formats.

Go to Powers and Duties


Equality, inclusion and empowerment Benefit Discontinued

All items are discontinued. Toggle to show discontinued items

Access to technology via proxy users Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Access to Directgov via librarians, access to benefits online through Citizens Advice Bureau etc

Enhanced Communication of Information Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Starthere simple digital signposting to face to face and telephone services for those in most need.

Enhanced Self-Expression/ Advocacy Benefit Discontinued

e.g. ACE Centres, Sunderland People First etc

Equality of public services in rural areas Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Mobile contact centre' service bus in Stratford Upon Avon, ebus in Staffordshire Moorlands, Rural Cinema (Stratford-Upon-Avon) etc.

Improved Accessibility of ICT Equipment Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Abilitynets work around increasing awareness and use of assistive technologies

Improved Accessibility of Services Benefit Discontinued

e.g. WCAG standards for web accessibility, video-sign call centre for access to services etc

Improved opportunities and life chances Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Meganexus social networking technology to place individuals at the centre of a social network of employment and training partners who can help them

Improved participation in community decisions Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Staffordshire Moorlands e-planning service has opened up access to planning decisions across the district, Digital Me

Improved Prioritisation of Services Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Staff Moorlands CRM system promotes most vulnerable callers to top of telephone call queues

Improved Take-up of services Benefit Discontinued

e.g. eChampion projects (City of London), eneigbourhoods (Sunderland), UK online centre egovernment campaign in SW, Stratford GIS benefits mapping etc.

Improved Targeting of Services Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Staffordshire Moorlands GIS mapping for hotspots to improve benefits take-up

Increased feeling of being part of community Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Sunderland People First - empowering adults with learning difficulties to play an import role in helping their peers in the community

More inclusive channels of access Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Health kiosks in mosques, Starthere kiosks in prison, digital TV access to services, text service to homeless etc

Reduced Isolation Benefit Discontinued

e.g. Leicestershire CareOnline - reducing isolation for vulnerable adults by providing access to computers and support at home; a website and chatroom service

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